Ascension in the east and adjusted in the west.
Wandering objections upon the lument and crest.
Inferiority appearances of conspicuous elongation of Sun,
Foliage of conjunction fastly overcomed,
Phases of cumulus, chromatic smear, cratered fascinations, disks of linear,
Gargantuan absolute, to many to dispute,
Penumbral eclipse remains among shadows,
Commonly luner spotlight among windows.
Rotating Polaris, extension of second magnitude uprising,
Ascertain where you are- realizing,
Turn around, Orion belt promising,
Above brilliance there will be Capella in Auriga- Charioteer,
Nursery of illuminated stellar.
Richness of Summer,
Milky splendor,
Vega lies swan,
Finality of Autumn Dawn.
Ionization of encompassing flatulence,
Emission and reflection of nebula descents,
Radiating a scattered light blue dance.
Repudiating of discussion on pollutants.
Supernova triggering a collapse,
Clouds beginning to contract and fragment,
Minimal level- photesphere,
Corona lies above chromosphere,
Blotching differential over time,
Actinic keratosis found on my high prime.
Aurora thy sporadic faint phenomenon,
Curtains of yellow green light dramatizes on form,
Rapidly moving arrays of molecular nitrogen,
Produces the myriad hues of flowing electrical rims.
Feasts for the eyes,
Tremendous energies to emblazon skies.
A dusk swarm of sporadic convergencies,
Streak from a point of constellated Perseus,
All the Ids' activate when I lye,
Peering to the destined points up high.
Remnants as they will conduct,
Fiery preserved mysteries from activities above.