Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Do you see

I like it when you know the day is going to be good. It is a humble sweet aroma when I walk out onto these steps. The gorgeous scents that stricken my nostrils as I walk with my sandals on a sling. The soak of the fresh bayside breezes. It seems like everything comes into one when you are in a good vibe.

But here we begin...
I am with a seed that has been planted but has been forgotten to be watered. I hang on the car mantel with my string lightly coming undone, a balloon ready to float away. Water that will never be wine. Hope that will never be a destiny.
I walk into the cafeteria and see many faces, but just a blank stir of nothing. The lights carry from outside and inside the bulbs. I see and hear the laughter of influential minds, and some lost.

I carry my books in a bag ready to rip, but I like the clutter that surrounds in a creative bag such as mine. With its hand woven leaves and flowers, many colors and traces. I clutch onto the handles as I enter the food court. I am hungry but only look at the menu. I see the prices before the food. I search my mind for an answer for my stomach, but only find consequences. The many things I could be getting with something to eat. I decide to fast for today.

I head back into the cafeteria and see many glances looking in my direction. I let my hair hide my face as I sit in a corner that was made for loners like me. I sit and scramble inside my bag for my notepad. I write and draw all the places that I would like to be other then here.

Fluorescent forest- With light shades of green and opal drops of black leaves. I will lose myself in you and make a maze to keep me away from the hunters and the creatures. I will be a mate for the wind and the earth. I will keep in the hidden holes of oak trees and eat the air I breathe to keep me slim and naturally beautiful. I will live here and when it is night I will sleep in the canopies of many pine and evergreens.
I look up and see that no one is watching me. So I turn the page and return.

Railroad tracks and old theaters- I like to throw rocks into the empty spaces of tracks. I will kick dirt and let the filth give me happiness. The sun will blaze accross my tank and let me feel the humid sticky air. The trains will come and never stop. I will hear the loud thunder of the conducting sounds. I will let my hair fly away as it passes on by. I have no headphones on, but I hear music. I see old 50's people and they are playing old music in there classic cars. They are drinking shakes and ready to go see a movie at the neon lit theater on the other side of the tracks. I suck in the eighty degree weather. I drink the essence of living alone. How wonderful it is to be a rebel and letting the world troubles fall off my shoelaces and into the sunbeam dirt. The tracks cut off at the end( about 1000 miles from home).

Loud noises are made when someone laughs at someone else's mistakes. I disapprove but go back to what I was doing.

Somewhere outback- "The willow tree is not that far!" I yelled at the top pf my lungs. I ran to the tree and climbed it all the way up on the cornered edge. He looks at me and says he will never be able to do that. I give him a lift and when he got up I followed. I told him this is the place I was talking about. The world shone right back at us. The cities scraped on our knees and the forests were far in the distance, the tracks were on the left, the animals grazed in the pastures, and the cottage pillowed smoke from it's chimneys. I said that this place would be in out minds forever. We will never forget it. I took his hand and placed a ordinary rock in his palm. He gave me a discouraging expression, and I threw the rock against the trunk of the tree. It broke in half and he gazed at it before he smiled. The rock shone in purple and translucent shades. It sparkled for the world above the willow tree. It blazed for him. I told him to keep it and never lose it. It will take you to our place.
I started to cry as I drew the last branch to the willow tree. I remembered when I gave the stone to him. He held it in his hand before he went away. He said it took him to his happy place. To our place.

I got out of my seat and head out to the opening area outside the cafeteria. Where the trees stood tall and the grass grew long. I fell to the cement as my legs buckled up. I grew numb and I had the last image of my brother in my head. How he held that stone before he left.

" I will see the world now, and I finally get to dance above those canopies of forests." he dropped the stone to his side. His expression left and his voice distantly gone. My innocent dreams left with him.

He gets to be in that good vibe now.

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