Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Declining...I am tossed.

Thrown off this record and left with naked wounds,
Understated and small in your tomb,
Do you see as I stand my ground,
Ripped apart and torn my gown.

I am apart and hands clenched,
My eyes whither to your gaze,
Hurdles of pain fill me in waves,
But here I stand in this daze.

Don't try to keep me from breathing,
Even as you go out that brisk,
I am not revealing,
No more of my hearts tears will line my face,
Even as you belittle and disgrace.

You can see that I am scared of you and what you do,
But as I keep my feet steady and still,
Would you really,
Try and forfeit your kill.

I am gone and this heart is already dead,
But as for my soul- I am fed,
It has eaten upon your self doubt and jealousy,
Your love you once had,
Takes and strangles me.

I can stand here and watch you pick me apart,
But not once will I give up my life,
You took to much already,
why would I be unsteady.

I am here to tell you that you can take all those rapid beats,
The ones that are terrified of you and this defeat,
I can be down and feel the drench in my mouth,
But no more will you be allowed.

I will be apart from the pain you caused,
As my heart will fall and feel your pause.

I have been breathing this whole time,
After the anguish and despair,
You were gone, and on the ground I was there.

I was scared.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Don't know You

I don't want to bother you, I won't promise you either,
It hurts to be away from here,
But life is my fear,
Exertions in my pain will lead me insane.

Steaming candles will spill their wax on my hands,
I stand still and feel the hell you give,
The immense penetration you build,
The hole you dug up, and never planned to fill.

It's okay, I won't bother you,
I will walk away from the silence you let off,
I will walk away from the pain the cuffs,
Around my neck I plead for you,
Strangle the rusticated words you endue.

I will fall asleep from the dumb shit that leaks from your spirit,
Lets me pamper myself in all that deforms in it,
Hello sun that seemed to keep itself from waking up,
Even the day has had enough.

I can't seem to wrap my finger around you,
You pull me in - then you throw me back,
You make me happy - then you relapse.

It's no expectation that you are what you are,
But it does not mean I have to be here,
Does not mean I have to listen or hear,
What bull you must spit at my face,
I will walk away from your dead dusk place.

You can find me in your room tonight,
I will be no where in sight.

No surprise this would be,
That the death of us- would be your personality.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Bracing a slur of silver toe heals down my chair,
My posture is align to my despair,
Moonlight vista that serenades through,
Black archery that parades what I do.

God will require a bit of a mess,
Necessitate a fair chain that rests upon thy breast,
Fire and ash will ablaze abwatt marble,
Radiant wounds will seal my awful.

Shall I shut the window in this ounce of eve,
Stroking the mislaid vowels that I receive,
Rustles of pruning branches hell through high,
Shall I cry?

Wasted and unsaved arrangements on cold night,
I sit with no words to ignite,
Twisting my dearth wrists till I see you,
Eclipse of evil in the room.

Laying my clothes out on the bed,
Moonlight leaves the woman dead.
Picking which one's you would choose,
You cheated on me - so I guess I lose.
Moonlight leaves the woman dead.

Drink my wine to feel you my love,
I sit and feel the pain you caused.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


In this resided assemblage I confide with only persecuted unspoken depth,
Adifice that sacrifices my own farewell - on scavenged primer I step,
perceptual link that presses my breasts,
Secured on belts, hold tight to what's left,
On canny frames that respite with fragmented chromatic beams,
I lay to conjecture my dreams.

Oh tis a feeling to mall,
With my nest in clusters of my vail,
I undo the municipal part of my canopied tail,
Bruited by worthy standards of courtship,
I long for such things,
Down through drunken orgasms,
I lay but to ask of him.

Piratical spasms.

I am sane.

Inhere in to the ugly darkness that surrounds the day,
On top of long gowns and sheets of red,
I let myself internalize musket mess,
His rapture and existence may conclude,
I can undress in fond - baring nude.

Incumbent to a dreaded stare,
Whisped my face marks with chalk and stick,
I let him impair,
Making more of it.

Rolling in such a magnitude beyond recognition,
I feel the solitude that incisions,
Coming so serene with my place on this rest,
Leaning to my widened dress.

One hand on the post and one hand on most,
Taking his apple and breathing in,
He lets his deepness be spoken.

Having his way with the vail now gone,
As we conclude from dusk to dawn.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I got this message from you and I read it twice,
After the second I decided to not be nice,
I took long strides and took a breath,
Looked at the one you needed so much- and left.

If It wasn't for the honesty you gave and smiles you saved,
The questions I asked and the lies that masked,
I would have been a fool for your power and will,
I could have stayed in the lonely and strayed.

Here I am looking at your enlightenment,
Your contended assignment,
Making me feel the pain that I knew I would,
But I can walk away - as I do - you understood.

I am yours and you were all I wanted,
Never this envy and taunting,
She can have what she wants,
I want nothing that hurts and haunts.

Nightmares take a hold of me now,
Everynight I dream of us and how we used to be,
How we were so close and never to far,
How I loved everything that you were.

What happened?

Tell me .. can you take these tears that fall,
Can you make up excuses at all,
Is it me or is it you,
Can I blame it on what you pursued.

This is the last time I take chances on something I care so much,
I gave with all my soul, delicate laughter, and touch,
Sitting here asking what was the point,
This message that will soon disappoint.

I need you to tell me what happened to us,
When you promised you would stay,
Never come up with excuses and dissmay,
I will hope you find something more,
Because I learned my lessons from the down pour,
The storm that took me life with one move,
Before I could ask why it blew.

I wished you could have been different because I did love, Now that you did that- I am far from this, Far from hurt and all your anguished mist.

Storm rises to my hair,
To show I stand still from a single care.

I am over you now.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Back Roads

The street blares over the sun spots of my freckles,
Tasting my hair in my mouth, the scratchy leaves ravel,
I used to put on those old tales of man vs. dreams,
Make believe stories of love and fantasy.

Maybe I have had enough- big clearing in my view,
Shaking my legs to the beats of Cat Stevens shadow of the moon,
I lose my hands to not the shadows but to the light of day,
I am walking and huffing to the blistery igneous agay.

Dad told me to never let a man take you down,
Here I am with my torn shirt running from home,
Sun leads me off to these orchards that travel east and west,
Streets that echo off my chest.

I am a rural girl that has had enough of city men,
They take her for granted and blind her from her stem,
My tree that made my family has morals and values,
Walking alone and feeling over you.

I would have given you everything I had,
Till I valued those silly words of my dad,
I let you put your hands on my heart,
Graveling to the dirt- I am far apart.

Pungent syllables that exasperated from my thoat,
Leads me under the sun in scorched dirt,
I can't live in a tomorrow of the men that grieve,
I will walk away from pain that bleeds.

Skin will feel the taste of my struggles,
Pounding my feet against the nuzzles,
Leaves and stems that scratch the anguish,
Breathe within the naturalistic mess.

I will say that your kiss gave me love,
Your touch gave me pleasure,
But within the feelings I had enough,
The attentive holds grew lesser.

I am moving down these west and easts,
Never stopping to breathe or eat,
I will find the place that I once called home,
When I finally get there,
I will be done.

I can take my pants out of this dirt,
I can feel happiness without the hurt.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Its Love

Break me a desiccate dust that saves only chances,
Moments that chained me from the free lances,
I must have been out of my mind when you came,
When I saw you down the rigid stain,
Red rested sun and shadows of clouds,
I came running with slow motion shrouds.

I felt the ugly mist that concluded when I left,
Lights turn off when I drift,
The founded grasses and things that follow,
Listen to the thimbles that I tip,
Stepping with my hearts reverberated rip.

I know what it is like to love,
To be included in something that stunns,
That can get you to admit when you are wrong and right,
Make you feel alone at night, or just out of sight,
To make it above and beyond, or not even at all,
Take me with you when you call.

I can see you clear as when I opened my eyes,
Days when I thought this could be a lie,
I see you there,
With my scouted lust in the air,
I wish I had the desire to move,
But you make and dividend me to remove,
Upon a carpet that could go as fast as I,
Take me with you in a zephyr above the skies.

I will tell you a secret when I come near,
I loved you from the beginning and beyond the volumetric years.

Feel me now.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I must be out of my mind. I have seen you in the distance to many times now. Our past has fallen and our future has ceased. What are you though? What are you without the part of your lint that remains in your pockets? What are you without that downy fresh scent that simmers in the air? What are you without the other half of your heart?

Perdition are these grounds we lust,
Dirty heals that conch a sturdy rust,
I let in the air that you took long ago,
If I scream the head strong blow.

If all there is - is maybe a bottomless pit,
Where I warp out the endless bruit,
The stones that I threw to the lake,
The meaningless and fake.

We left the love we had once before,
We left it in the place we stored,
We locked it up and cleaned out the dust,
No one could tamper with the definition of us,
Secrets were said to one another,
But no one can ever consider us together.

We were for each other.

Oustanding sounds compelled how we moved,
What we felt and how we knew,
When we were in love all was a dream,
I couldn't even recognize what was real,
I only could tell we were able to feel.

One line and touch after the next,
We misinterpreted what was definitive and complex,
If I loved like the day I devoted,
We would have never demoted.

I can get lost in these saving momentum's he grew on me,
The way I cried and asked on my knees,
" Will you stay for just tonight ",
If I never left, he just might.

I love with clarity and heart,
I live with strength and ability to grow apart.

Some things you must leave at be,
Even if it hurts and you aren't able to see,
This love that you had so long,
Must end while you are still strong.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Assemblage of one decade of observant solarity,
Abstracts a more pick and point clarity.
Ascension in the east and adjusted in the west.
Wandering objections upon the
lument and crest.

Inferiority appearances of conspicuous elongation of Sun,

Foliage of conjunction fastly overcomed,

Phases of cumulus, chromatic smear, cratered fascinations, disks of linear,

Gargantuan absolute, to many to dispute,

Penumbral eclipse remains among shadows,

Commonly luner spotlight among windows.

Rotating Polaris, extension of second magnitude uprising,

Ascertain where you are- realizing,

Turn around, Orion belt promising,

Above brilliance there will be Capella in Auriga- Charioteer,

Nursery of illuminated stellar.

Richness of Summer,

Milky splendor,

Vega lies swan,

Finality of Autumn Dawn.

Ionization of encompassing flatulence,

Emission and reflection of nebula descents,

Radiating a scattered light blue dance.

Repudiating of discussion on pollutants.

Supernova triggering a collapse,

Clouds beginning to contract and fragment,

Minimal level- photesphere,

Corona lies above chromosphere,

Blotching differential over time,

Actinic keratosis found on my high prime.

Aurora thy sporadic faint phenomenon,

Curtains of yellow green light dramatizes on form,

Rapidly moving arrays of molecular nitrogen,

Produces the myriad hues of flowing electrical rims.

Feasts for the eyes,

Tremendous energies to emblazon skies.

A dusk swarm of sporadic convergencies,

Streak from a point of constellated Perseus,

All the Ids' activate when I lye,

Peering to the destined points up high.

Remnants as they will conduct,

Fiery preserved mysteries from activities above.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


The collapsing bridge carries off under the cliff,
Kisses silenced upon my lips,
Lovers bliss...

Tenacious movements of forgotten phrases,
Stutters of the mind- intellect erases..
And chemicals take part in one's heart,
As leaves won't fall till summers over,
Finding true lust- among a new lover.

And I stand in contraband of his photography,
Me and him, over the bridges flee,
It's all we have- our desertion and lecherousness greed.

He unravels me at first,
Our summers thirst.

Tis just the beginning..

~She catches me in quick surprise,
Laughter mixed with deep brown impish eyes,
Our hearts give in too quick and were off on a flying carpet ride.

Fingertips reach out, and brush with the stars
Scattering echos of stardust across the summer skies

Impulse grabs and hearts give in
But alas, too soon
When will this end, this torrent of emotions to fast for us to comprehend

Too many nights with you and I'm left empty inside
Laughter now gets mixed with foolish lies


Knock on the dearest floors,
Heated arguments and phrases to plead - no more,
Keedness if you resist,
He asks to leave, but what meanings would our kiss?
Endure this...

Taking in the arches of despair,
Pulling out what I need, and what will never be there.

" I love you when I never knew."

He says to me and I endue,
It hurts to know the truth,
That in our epiphany of love,
It can fall so easily,
And my tears can come to me...

With but a word and an action,
He consists with him no interaction..

No caring affection,
In this winter air discretion.

What will I do when my hand can not move,
What can I do when I still love you...

If only you knew....

The pain I'm going through
The kiss is there
but the emptiness catches me unaware
Oh, where did the passion flee
Falling away like the leaves of the fall
Letting go, there is nothing there..

I see the safety inside
But the hollowness eats away my soul

You keep looking but I'm hiding
in the trees
what if the world your used to, is an elaborate dream

I wish you would just leave
because your not here
you have fallen away like the rain

Black pavement filled with pink roses
I'm finally walking away....


With the dry lands and primer gone,
With the yelling and screaming prolonged,
Will the stagnate contumacious,
Be able to overcome past bliss,
And lift me up from this.

Hope signals a period of need,
As the pain from grieve,

A light that so many mourn,
Is put off- forlorn,
Can not find it right along,
Can not hear it in any song,
It is now a gift that is cherished well,
I waited and waited for life to foretell,
And as the patience of my strong will took part,
A room for love- new start- signaled in my heart.

This was a time I knew once before,
But this time happiness means more meaningful as it knocks on my door.

I can see the breath coming out of my mouth
The air is crisp and I walk alone
Lost in thoughts of finding my way
The past doesn't hurt anymore

I find myself in a reflection of the lake
Standing there by myself
Here is a place I have known before

I have cleared my mind and from what I see
Letting go was the best for me
I move on with fingers in the sand
Content to let fate find me.....

The epitome of the lust that ends with must,
Finds a way through the pain and the lost,
Eventually becoming the vulnerable cost,
That now is forever gone, and surely never was.
A now new venture for a more truthful lust.

I see fate walking alone, upon a sandy beach
how can I describe
beauty so pure
that it made the angels
Her body has been bathed by the moonlight
Her skin has been kissed by the sun
Her hair dipped in the galaxies new light
She entangles me in butterflies .

Vulnerable love is what can take our will and our fight to push, Letting the release of that once before forsaken touch. Never go into it with rush.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Broken Heart Told Apart

When With You

When I was with you,
Their was no place I had rather been,
I just wanted what I knew,
Just him,
On a rainy and frosty day,
I wanted you all the way,
Through desperate hours of boredom,
It was just me and him,
Spending each others company,
With sparks of different epiphany,
It was my release at the end of the hour,
Your comfort had power,
To take my pain from the day- disappear,
With you in my arms so close and so near,
But what was my ultimate fear?
It was losing you,
And not knowing what to do,
If you ever left me behind alone and cold,
With your last testament told,
And you did leave me,
And let me be...
Alone and cold,
Without no one to hold,
I wish you were placed back in my arms,
But I must cope with my self being now,
Feel at peace,
With the part of me diseased,
I wish you were still here though,
And you did not go,
So suddenly past my fingertips,
Without grace and touch of your lips,
Just a farewell,
And oh well,
Telling me I will be okay,
And we can be friends again someday,
Just not today.
Thank you,
For letting me not know what to do,
Alone, with the light of the empty window shown.
Love that will parish to pursue.

Wondering Lonely
I see things now I did not see before,
When you walked out my door,
I see how the sun reflects the grass in the middle of the day,
And where we imprinted out bodies in the brush, we laid,
I see how the clouds move by so slowly,
Seeing how you no longer know me,
As you drift by,
Not telling me why,
The waves of the ocean hit the black sand,
With but a whisk of my hand,
And with you it was different,
Everything seemed illuminant,
Very dreamy and essentially a part of me,
Now everything is partially,
Gone and dead,
The beauty of things is not the same,
As I think of your name,
It does not seem right,
Not holding you tight,
Feeling that you and I will never again be,
Never will I see,
The grasses, and sands, and scenery,
Exactly how we saw it together,
In our own made up weather,
You took me out of my mind,
And now love and life is harder to find.

My thoughts:

When someone decides its time to part. It hurts to hear it. So much so, that everything around you seems to slow down. Nothing for a while is the same. It takes sometimes months or years to get over that person. Breaking your heart. And sometimes it takes years, or maybe that person will always stay in your memories. But it will fade, that is a promise the mind makes to your heart. Their is no lying to yourself, that it does take a deep tole on your soul. Every time you go through a heartach, it will take a part of you with it. The good thing is, sooner or later, and new thing will help fill it up. You just have to look hard for a while, and cope with being alone for a while.

Small Poem:
Time Alone

I realized that I need to be alone,
Need to be apart,
From reality,
I need just time to grieve,
To let all the memories of you leave.

Hide away, till you find me okay someday far away.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Depression Stays

These unbearable walls they held me captive,
When the grasping air of there foreclosures dig,
To the empty challenges of the benighted,
Will the shadows and eerie take in gorge with my stance,
And will the hallows and shallows prance,
Over my presence like four baring knives,
Stabbing my deep growling skies,
Telling the darkness,
That this,
Is it for me,
Their is not epiphany,
No turning away from the death that succumbs,
That delicately kills in my dead desperate thumbs,
Tapping to make me sane,
From the kneeling frame,
I move to rock the silence,
Of the inference,
That conforms the demonic place,
That I know perish in grace,
Waiting to believe in unholy,
To take me,
Arms baring wrists fully.

When the echoes cinder my soul,
I will let it take tole,
Because it hurts to much to care,
To bare,
To share,
I need the tears to keep inside,
So I can ride,
With the confide,
Of the infernal incomprehensible,
So it will be impossible,
To leave my ruptured departed,
That I hurtfully started,
On the day I was born,
Since I am infinitely torn,
To feel this endless scorn,
I will feel the twilt,
That my bodies confirmation built,
And enclose,
Till my destruction will be exposed.

My thoughts:

To try to comprehend depression in a lost soul, is like trying to understand how we got here. How we exist. Depression is sometimes unable to understand. When someone, has a deep dark hole of darkness when you look in there eyes. And their is no light. They are gone from the world around them. They will never set foot on the standards of sanity. They will always drift to the nearest darkest corner they can seclude themselves in. Just too feel adapted and alive. Because they are gone within there emptiness. Depression seethes farther then anyone can confer. It is forever a mystery as to why so many die, of there own destruction's. Of there own loneliness and shadow.

Short Poem:

The times pain,
Lets the never ending,
Never refrain,
It will be always pending.

Depression kills, it never for fills.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Loves Gravity


Does love ever seem to give up,
Does it have any way to speak of,
The times to hold,
To let go and be told,
That love has no boudaries,
But at last, there are,
It can fall and not come back,
Because of what one another lack,
But when will it come again,
When there is nothing much left to fend,
I am still looking,
Floating in mid air,
To find it here.
I Am Over You

Tell me do you love me?
Do you see how I do things freely,
To let you agree,
That I am not me,
What will that be,
Soemthing hard to conceive,
My mind and body is hurting inside,
To see you hide,
From lonely me,
You make me see,
That I have nothing to offer,
Or concur,
That you had enough to look at,
Now I have no idea where our love travels at.
My thoughts:

When love falls down, will it go up again. I believe when a love falls down. It will stay down. No gravity or pull can bring it back to life, like how it was before. It will be forever hard to grasp that again.
If love was gravity, then then we would all be stuck to the ground.
Short poem:


I am free like a bird,
Hanging at your every word,
Waiting to see whats next,
Since there is nothing left.

When we start to feel ourselves again, love will start then.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Finding Your Art

Wanting it Gray

Where must I prevail to seek,
To render my senses weak,
I will scounder in all dark places first,
Finding what I crave, what I thirst,
Something that will pop and burst,
In spiracle poses,
It will find me in the garments of closes,
The mind will close in my deliberating time,
And the thing I thus triumphant find,
Will be to me but a morsel,
Yet to see, yet to be blind,
It is then I will say,
The skies please pour, please turn gray.

My Mind Set Forth

The little toe movements of my walks,
I will find the witches round rules of chalks,
I want to see the dances of war,
Come with me as I stravel to the floor,
Come with me in a time prevail,
Well in bind with the time of grail,
The chain will unlock my searching,
For more of this lurking,
I will pail into one,
And let all the set forth be done,
Will you take by hand,
The endless ranting sand,
Of breezes worth breathing.

My thoughts:

I like to think that inspirations for writing and photography come from one's exploritation. If one is set forth to find particular revenue in something, maybe you would find it. I like to just let it come to me, and then search and ponder.

If you were to not search and speak, what will become of you? Where will our best artists demise to?

Short Poem:


I need more proof,
That this room you found,
Is the essence where I ground.

Finding art maybe harder to pick apart.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Air We Breathe

Scratching Forest

When the bark I scratch as I pass,
Will the light from the day last,
The loomed light of dark fails in the branches,
The abstract corners of my cob web eyes ranches,
It zooms in on all the prevailed obscurity,
The deformity,
The ilumity,
It postures out like limber on the pond,
Just do be blood black blond,
It will capture me to the test,
And I will sit and remember the rest,
The cold frigid air will remain on my breast,
And believe the believing,
Of the leaves leaving,
Down on my face,
Like black and burgandy lace,
Coward in the forest place.

This Spot

Remaining in this one little spot,
Tell me what I have not yet taught,
To tone liar is this erosion in the exposed,
The beauty of outside whithered and rose,
It's like I need to keep my thought here,
Just so I can feel safe,
In the waves of pine,
As my body blusters combine,
In the ryhme of bliss,
I will feel at miss,
If I can not feel the winds plaster me a kiss,
Yellow and blue all I see,
Let me stay, let me be.

My thoughts:

Nature is everywhere..I am sure you know. But we feel it even when we are not outside. We feel it as we breath the sight from outside the window. We feel the pain of the tree cutting down miles away. Just as we feel afraid. Nature consumes our being, nature is our seeing. To live in a forest, is like living in your bodies sanctuary.

Short Poem:


The still,

I feel,

I will,

The bless the still.

Breath your last breath, till there is nothing left.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Never Stop

Stop Go

The slow we know, the faster we show,
We let all the succumb bleed into one,
Let the drips fall flood in a cup,
Every time we move, we don't know how to stop,
Make the tic toc stop,
Make the moving crop,
To nothing but what we think,
When we live in the ultimate sink,
We let ourselves brink in the madness,
Of the constant moving sadness,
Our time is running out,
A moment to reminisce,
Without a love to kiss,
We keep on going,
And we keep on flowing,
Like a waterfall to let the ambiance drawl,
It will never slow,
Because we never stop to go.

Time To Die

May the time we spent trying to work,
Trying to make things quirk,
It dies down at the end of the run,
So much madness, we have no time for fun,
When will our destined be done,
Because the more we prevail,
The more our lives sail,
We can't let our bodies slow,
Because we are oblivious on how to know,
We let everything rush by,
It's like we are a blind fly,
We live in a battle of erosion,
Always rushing,
Till where we have not time to say goodbye,
And all we have time for, is to die.

My thoughts:
An empty time continuum keeps to everyone. In every ones life, whether we are sitting at home doing nothing, or busy at work. Time is passing is by quickly then we imagine. Everything that we do has already happened. We sometimes take for granted the time we do have. We do not use it properly or we do not comprehend it properly. If we were to count how many times we have just sat, and watched a screen, we would have traveled from that couch to the end of the world already.

Short Poem:
A love comes by,
And you ask why,
You let it go,
Slipping out though the window.

Don't waste your time, or else you'll have no more to find.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bare No More

All Of It

This is my last empty thoughts leading out to the world,
I felt the enlightenment already and now I needle my body steady,
I see not only that the way I was found in such destruction,
Caused more than asked,
More then told,
More then made,
More then gave,
I need to leave up the ladder of my soul,
I find a other refuge to help me,
Please skies of wonders, they crowd over my body,
I need to leave this,
I will let the pain go,
And all the things that have shown,
And leave the limp longings,
All my belongings,
And muster my time to the ground,
Shhh. I am bound,
To leave all slashes you gave without sound.


Past Pleased

Hands gracefully find there way to my shoulders,
And the pain erupts like boulders,
I don't want this,
This unlikely bliss,
It fills so much agonies encrypting all my"what said"
I leave all the said in the bed,
Unmade and laid for you to pick,
My worthy, hast lost in your past pleased,
I am night falling,
To render no more of your calling,
On my skin, On my mind, all the sin.


My thoughts:

I many times was hurt by so many others. My body and soul tampered with. All my thoughts and views thrown in the garbage. I hope people try to love one another. Not for there beauty, but for the kind hearts and love the give to themselves and others. Let the agony of others make you heal many.

Short poem:


I look at you now,
I did not see how,
What I saw in you anyhow,
My body, is nobodies.


The love that is there, can be taken in thin air.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Finding Me

This is Me

The lines and tracks bleed into one,
One felt..one moment..one,
My lips have more luster then when before,
As soon as I left your plore,
I was finally out,
I knew what I was and what was about,
The constrictions were torn,
I felt the air though my shirt,
I no longer was feeling hurt,
I was ridden from the times you praised me much,
To just glide and touch,
The new me,
I can see who is the,
Despiser..in the game you played,
Freedom plays,
As I walk father away.

I Have

I have curves that spinal your nerves,
I have formality that sends sensuality,
I have your attention at my discression,
But did I mention...
I am not your label,
I am not your enabel,
I will not do what you say,
Because I had enough to stay,
I am going my own way,
To please me,
To not agree,
To your will,
Or ever forfill,
Your disgracefull pleasings,
I am happy leaving.

My thoughts:

You don't always need to give a guy or spouse what they yearn for. No matter if it's a dinner..or something personal. Sometimes it's a better thing for you two to be seperate. You might find out a new you. Someone you lost long ago..and comes out once again. Do you miss that person? So many woman and men do. That's why when people say they need time alone or can't do it anymore. It is not always because they need another. Maybe they just need themselves.

Short Poem:


Don't bother me,
Can't you see,
I found me.

Happiness is finding bliss.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Solely Follows

Wanting May
The nothing dafodills and nothing branches of oaks,
I see the rise and fall of the newly etched things..I just don't care for,
There is no mention of anything that makes me felicituos,
I will not look at you..or seek..I will be solicitous,
To something that may capture me,
I need something to beguile to agree,
That even however tragicomical I may,
I want some other to say,
To hold everyday,
And mirth a common point,
But there is only many to dissapoint,
They never see how I follow endless to there disposal,
Just for ambiance and approvel,
I will sadly stay forever in this enviroment,
Where I will be content,
No one to talk,
No one to vent.
Thy Cumulus
Where are thou nesting in the glowering austere,
I feel bleak and stale in my mastere fear,
Its eschew of the dappled achromatic,
The cumulus of this faithful static,
Of alcaic verse,
I bid reverse,
But noneffervescent I do so,
The whists billow and blow,
I stay in the placid of precipitation,
To queue ration,
When the implied will be,
For my dashed impovershed tenderness to see.
My thoughts:
I need to get away from the frigid cold airs of dark desolation. So many feel in a cold place...a stance where they feel lost. Needing someone and wanting someone are to different things. Needing is like needing tampons. Wanting is like wating a rainbow. Sometimes it's not possible and not pertainable. Lots of people feel they need others to feel okay in life..we are all equally alone.
Short Poem:
One free,
Two I was happy to see,
Three was to be,
One lonely me.
What I need is you, what I want is me and you.

Colors I hide

Painted Me

Do you know me...do you know or concise where or what I have been though,
If only you disperse to knew,
My hands frail and heart always fails,
I am a prisoner in my own body,
And not anybody,
Will come to my rescue,
To see all the easels I hue,
Not once did someone ask what I am like,
They cast my outer layer despite,
It's a human measure that marries outer appearance,
I have never been told a genuine since,
Just a master of disguise,
A woman for endless split end dries,
I am a soul to be discovered,
But so many just see the outside hovered.

My Mask Bind

What a dance I am, no lover no damn,
I feel fortitude to myself..but others I give more,
I give all my deep thoughts for,
It's a mask I put to others,
My family and lovers,
No one will know or help to show,

The person that seeps beneath..I give layers,
Layers and layers to hide,
The helplessness I confide,
Its something deep for me to even try to,
To let pursue,
I will dance my way in my mind,
Of the hurt I bind,
It will never come to be,
All the pain that bends inside me.

My thoughts:

Sometimes I feel I see many people hide now and days. As well as I. They where makeup to cover the lies they had in life and lies to themselves. They where clothing that is not them..but people see there personality just by the outside. What they wear and what they put on. No one seems to get..real is not what is on the seal..but what is inside the envelope.

Short Poem:

So Many Faces

To many faces to copy,
To be,
But which one do you see is me.

The grave where my true self lays.