Monday, April 27, 2009

Finding Me

This is Me

The lines and tracks bleed into one,
My lips have more luster then when before,
As soon as I left your plore,
I was finally out,
I knew what I was and what was about,
The constrictions were torn,
I felt the air though my shirt,
I no longer was feeling hurt,
I was ridden from the times you praised me much,
To just glide and touch,
The new me,
I can see who is the, the game you played,
Freedom plays,
As I walk father away.

I Have

I have curves that spinal your nerves,
I have formality that sends sensuality,
I have your attention at my discression,
But did I mention...
I am not your label,
I am not your enabel,
I will not do what you say,
Because I had enough to stay,
I am going my own way,
To please me,
To not agree,
To your will,
Or ever forfill,
Your disgracefull pleasings,
I am happy leaving.

My thoughts:

You don't always need to give a guy or spouse what they yearn for. No matter if it's a dinner..or something personal. Sometimes it's a better thing for you two to be seperate. You might find out a new you. Someone you lost long ago..and comes out once again. Do you miss that person? So many woman and men do. That's why when people say they need time alone or can't do it anymore. It is not always because they need another. Maybe they just need themselves.

Short Poem:


Don't bother me,
Can't you see,
I found me.

Happiness is finding bliss.

1 comment:

  1. Always glad to see a fellow visual poet putting it out there, congrats on some great writes!
