Saturday, April 25, 2009

So Cool

I am Lemon

When time spirals in the abliss,
The cool airs penetrate though ebony mist,
My hair is tangles of cool strangles,
I wear my head high in neon bangles,
This is my time to feel beautiful,
To feel the world of pain to be wonderful,
The light of luminous,
Will be me, such dubious,
This is the moment where I breath,
Where I keep my ground and shall not leave,
What a beauty is the place I sit,
With the light from above upon my face lit,
My time to feel happy,
To feel loved,
Not be any one person,
But myself and no other,
I am sweet like a thorn who bloomed to another,
A cool lemon drink, I am a happy other.

Lady Fair

She was there,
I saw her across a stanchion of riveting,
She reacted as the solemn beautiful soul she was,
The relics of here longings floated loos,
Tell me this valiance was her fake,
But the way she glowed, it was a sake,
She was a sight,
That imprinted the universes light,
Everyone gaudily her to just,
See a merriment of her lust,
Embedded between her blond locks,
Her laughing mocks,
She made you smile,
Made you squint your eyes,
To view her beauty otherwise,
She is there,
A lady fair.

You See It

The mustard I stepped to my shoe,
With the whistles of the wind to flew,
You like to listen,
To the sunrise, and my skin glisten,
The twice to many weeds come ,
When my walking graceless done,
Its a manifestation,
To this impression,
You give me a helpless kiss,
And the beautiful basters such kibbles,
I stretch out my view,
And you see a such beauty I blank knew,
You are here,
My glorious flare of forest peer.
My thoughts:

Some people feel very into themselves. They know they have the cool..and well maybe they are. Others though, try to hard. They become to wrapped up in the making of being cool. Cool's definition is very many. like beautiful, loved more, new clothes, best presents, more money...etc. I believe a true cool, is being and finding yourself. When you find the inside of yourself, you found your cool.

If everything and everybody was cool...there would be no cool.

Short Poem:

Cool Together

I was lost,
Till you were to cause,
A tranquil,
Of combined cool.

Its be cool by yourself for a day.

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