Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bare No More

All Of It

This is my last empty thoughts leading out to the world,
I felt the enlightenment already and now I needle my body steady,
I see not only that the way I was found in such destruction,
Caused more than asked,
More then told,
More then made,
More then gave,
I need to leave up the ladder of my soul,
I find a other refuge to help me,
Please skies of wonders, they crowd over my body,
I need to leave this,
I will let the pain go,
And all the things that have shown,
And leave the limp longings,
All my belongings,
And muster my time to the ground,
Shhh. I am bound,
To leave all slashes you gave without sound.


Past Pleased

Hands gracefully find there way to my shoulders,
And the pain erupts like boulders,
I don't want this,
This unlikely bliss,
It fills so much agonies encrypting all my"what said"
I leave all the said in the bed,
Unmade and laid for you to pick,
My worthy, hast lost in your past pleased,
I am night falling,
To render no more of your calling,
On my skin, On my mind, all the sin.


My thoughts:

I many times was hurt by so many others. My body and soul tampered with. All my thoughts and views thrown in the garbage. I hope people try to love one another. Not for there beauty, but for the kind hearts and love the give to themselves and others. Let the agony of others make you heal many.

Short poem:


I look at you now,
I did not see how,
What I saw in you anyhow,
My body, is nobodies.


The love that is there, can be taken in thin air.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Finding Me

This is Me

The lines and tracks bleed into one,
My lips have more luster then when before,
As soon as I left your plore,
I was finally out,
I knew what I was and what was about,
The constrictions were torn,
I felt the air though my shirt,
I no longer was feeling hurt,
I was ridden from the times you praised me much,
To just glide and touch,
The new me,
I can see who is the, the game you played,
Freedom plays,
As I walk father away.

I Have

I have curves that spinal your nerves,
I have formality that sends sensuality,
I have your attention at my discression,
But did I mention...
I am not your label,
I am not your enabel,
I will not do what you say,
Because I had enough to stay,
I am going my own way,
To please me,
To not agree,
To your will,
Or ever forfill,
Your disgracefull pleasings,
I am happy leaving.

My thoughts:

You don't always need to give a guy or spouse what they yearn for. No matter if it's a dinner..or something personal. Sometimes it's a better thing for you two to be seperate. You might find out a new you. Someone you lost long ago..and comes out once again. Do you miss that person? So many woman and men do. That's why when people say they need time alone or can't do it anymore. It is not always because they need another. Maybe they just need themselves.

Short Poem:


Don't bother me,
Can't you see,
I found me.

Happiness is finding bliss.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Solely Follows

Wanting May
The nothing dafodills and nothing branches of oaks,
I see the rise and fall of the newly etched things..I just don't care for,
There is no mention of anything that makes me felicituos,
I will not look at you..or seek..I will be solicitous,
To something that may capture me,
I need something to beguile to agree,
That even however tragicomical I may,
I want some other to say,
To hold everyday,
And mirth a common point,
But there is only many to dissapoint,
They never see how I follow endless to there disposal,
Just for ambiance and approvel,
I will sadly stay forever in this enviroment,
Where I will be content,
No one to talk,
No one to vent.
Thy Cumulus
Where are thou nesting in the glowering austere,
I feel bleak and stale in my mastere fear,
Its eschew of the dappled achromatic,
The cumulus of this faithful static,
Of alcaic verse,
I bid reverse,
But noneffervescent I do so,
The whists billow and blow,
I stay in the placid of precipitation,
To queue ration,
When the implied will be,
For my dashed impovershed tenderness to see.
My thoughts:
I need to get away from the frigid cold airs of dark desolation. So many feel in a cold place...a stance where they feel lost. Needing someone and wanting someone are to different things. Needing is like needing tampons. Wanting is like wating a rainbow. Sometimes it's not possible and not pertainable. Lots of people feel they need others to feel okay in life..we are all equally alone.
Short Poem:
One free,
Two I was happy to see,
Three was to be,
One lonely me.
What I need is you, what I want is me and you.

Colors I hide

Painted Me

Do you know you know or concise where or what I have been though,
If only you disperse to knew,
My hands frail and heart always fails,
I am a prisoner in my own body,
And not anybody,
Will come to my rescue,
To see all the easels I hue,
Not once did someone ask what I am like,
They cast my outer layer despite,
It's a human measure that marries outer appearance,
I have never been told a genuine since,
Just a master of disguise,
A woman for endless split end dries,
I am a soul to be discovered,
But so many just see the outside hovered.

My Mask Bind

What a dance I am, no lover no damn,
I feel fortitude to myself..but others I give more,
I give all my deep thoughts for,
It's a mask I put to others,
My family and lovers,
No one will know or help to show,

The person that seeps beneath..I give layers,
Layers and layers to hide,
The helplessness I confide,
Its something deep for me to even try to,
To let pursue,
I will dance my way in my mind,
Of the hurt I bind,
It will never come to be,
All the pain that bends inside me.

My thoughts:

Sometimes I feel I see many people hide now and days. As well as I. They where makeup to cover the lies they had in life and lies to themselves. They where clothing that is not them..but people see there personality just by the outside. What they wear and what they put on. No one seems to get..real is not what is on the seal..but what is inside the envelope.

Short Poem:

So Many Faces

To many faces to copy,
To be,
But which one do you see is me.

The grave where my true self lays.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

So Cool

I am Lemon

When time spirals in the abliss,
The cool airs penetrate though ebony mist,
My hair is tangles of cool strangles,
I wear my head high in neon bangles,
This is my time to feel beautiful,
To feel the world of pain to be wonderful,
The light of luminous,
Will be me, such dubious,
This is the moment where I breath,
Where I keep my ground and shall not leave,
What a beauty is the place I sit,
With the light from above upon my face lit,
My time to feel happy,
To feel loved,
Not be any one person,
But myself and no other,
I am sweet like a thorn who bloomed to another,
A cool lemon drink, I am a happy other.

Lady Fair

She was there,
I saw her across a stanchion of riveting,
She reacted as the solemn beautiful soul she was,
The relics of here longings floated loos,
Tell me this valiance was her fake,
But the way she glowed, it was a sake,
She was a sight,
That imprinted the universes light,
Everyone gaudily her to just,
See a merriment of her lust,
Embedded between her blond locks,
Her laughing mocks,
She made you smile,
Made you squint your eyes,
To view her beauty otherwise,
She is there,
A lady fair.

You See It

The mustard I stepped to my shoe,
With the whistles of the wind to flew,
You like to listen,
To the sunrise, and my skin glisten,
The twice to many weeds come ,
When my walking graceless done,
Its a manifestation,
To this impression,
You give me a helpless kiss,
And the beautiful basters such kibbles,
I stretch out my view,
And you see a such beauty I blank knew,
You are here,
My glorious flare of forest peer.
My thoughts:

Some people feel very into themselves. They know they have the cool..and well maybe they are. Others though, try to hard. They become to wrapped up in the making of being cool. Cool's definition is very many. like beautiful, loved more, new clothes, best presents, more money...etc. I believe a true cool, is being and finding yourself. When you find the inside of yourself, you found your cool.

If everything and everybody was cool...there would be no cool.

Short Poem:

Cool Together

I was lost,
Till you were to cause,
A tranquil,
Of combined cool.

Its be cool by yourself for a day.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Lovers Lust

Combining Us

With your intensity grounded on my pressures,
I feel all the pleasures,
It succeedes deeper as we flow,

Before I even ask, before I even know,
You dispense all your concentration,
All your lingering sensation,
To just amplify the most erotic,
To withstand a heat exotic,
Waiting to see more,
As you pound the helplessness to the core,
My hearts desire,
Is in your impressive power, Making the boards shake,
You feel the room embody to break,
After each intimation I admit,
You make another rip,
Through my body and my heed,
You make me ponder to plead,

Seeking refuge elsewhere,
Just so I could have a moment for air,
Saying nothing but touching,
It's your way of adoring,

Then the strenuous act,
Lays us on our backs, Your hands come near mine,
We rest as our hearts com

Exploiting Me

It was roma and auburn light,
You took my hips beneath my sight,
Hugging my figure tightly,
Gazing up and down admirably,
One or two words were said,
As you gently laid me on your bed,
Exploiting from the tips of my toes,

Restly going where my body g
Upwards in circulation,
Fingers and your abduction,
You feel my navel and my abdomen,
Cold are your touches and where they begin,

Making your way beyond, I ask what your doing,
you don't respond,
Until you reach your goal,
When your body and I become whole.

My thoughts:

Is it better to have love then have no love at all. Love is the most powerful thing there is. Life would not exist without love. If you were to tell someone who hates you, and tell them you love them everyday....they will eventually find they love you.

lovers Pictures, Images and Photos
Short Poem:

Falling Love

Its easy to tell,
When we fell,
Together we came,
Forever love the same.

Combine all you can give, and the longer together you'll live.

A Mind Bright

I unwind and Shine

Total seclusion from all..the movements the stillness,

I am here to seek open revenue in loneliness,

Expansion every which way I turn,

The open desolution is all I see, as I learn,

One hand praised upon the little fragments of my mind,

All the dreams and all the thoughts unwind,

To this moment in time,

Where its just the skies and moon shine,

Beleive in what comes after,

Not in front but behind the rafter,

My mind opened to everything possible,

Hand clenched to all unpertainable,

This is the point where I see what is not there,

This is where.

My Star

I took time to think wheather I should,

Take this thistle of shining, I could,

If I did there will be loss,

The darker will get deeper,

Nothing will ever be what is was,

The hills will flaten and the water will get steeper,

What will come of the mayham that will take place,

What is the solution for my wishful ways,

I want it so badly,

That is what shall be done sadly,

Because I do not care,

If I take the shining up there,

I need this wishing power,

I will fly or make a tower,

Just to take it away with me,

Even if the land goes under the sea,

I need my star so bright,

To shine the emptiness I feel, and light.

My thoughts:

When I was little I loved to look in the stars while driving. One day I had to go to the hospital. I think I was six. I looked out my window( as so it was so late) and saw every little shining star there was. I sang twinkle little star. I felt so free, even though I was in agony. I felt happy, and just wanted to be up there like the stars.

If everyone was a star, the skies would be empty. For all the people that are bad, they would combust. Eventually the skies would be empty. It's good we are not stars.

Al Magnus - Moonset Pictures, Images and Photos

Short Poem:

Before Tear

I traveled so far to get to it,

How it glows and lits,

Under my eyelids and bed covers,

I wish I had lushing of wonders,

I will leave from here,

To capture it before it shall tear.

I wish upon a star so bright, just so I feel right.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Vines Fantasy

Our Garden Dream

My heart lived in a forest of dark,

Till the dawn of lark,' I saw etches of dreams I lost and kept,
Till my body wanted what I wept,
I needed my bountiful of nesselrode,
To wrap me around my heart of weavers weave,
The camping of me and you,
Is our love that darkened our greenery brew,

I love you dear...but only here,
I my garden of green sheer,
See you in jungles Jewel,
And Ill kiss you like a fool.

Fantasia Here

The fantasia came to me near nights eve of dawn,

The gails of my gown were sewn upon,

To just taste the fluttered scrolls of things in my head,

What a place to be instead,
Do you ever feel fantasia real,
When you taste her as the envelope you seal,
I wake every morning to the white room,

To know I will see my eyes see fantasia soo
Its the vines in ebonies garden,
The echoes in me to love them,

Of the grace,
In my dreamers lace,
So wipe that smirk on your face,

I am in my fantasy place.

tim walker   photography Pictures, Images and Photos

My thoughts:

A life in a dream can be expressed as a sanctaury, a garden perhaps. It leaves you with the question; why did I ever leave Kansas? I like my garden..whenever I get to visit of course. Let vines grow till there is no more room to move.

Short Poem:

Dying Gardens

When the life of it is gone,
Where will we be,
No longer our garden to see,
Our love will die...along the garden weed,

The thorns will prick you till you bleed happiness.

The Water Blues

That Drown

May a dream float in my canyon of hope,
Does it live on the outside of my door,

Will I open and the rain will pour,
Will I see happiness in my locket,
Or was it thrown to a passer,
The drowning will carry me home,

To where the hast of hope wil
l rasper,
And no one,
No one will know I was here,

No one will know I had fear,
The waves will carry me away,
To the time I had that day,
My tears will pour down,
It will be then,

That I will finally drown.

I Feel Hue

The essence there after,
is it there?
It surely is,
It takes me to a place I knew,
The place I wanted to pursue,

My hearts desire to sleep,
My puddles shallow to grasp deep,
The pressures surround me,

My vision blurred, Now is easily to see,
I should have easily concurred,
That it is here that I am,
In my most eloquent,
My most dissent,
I live in the finding hue,
Of the essence blue.

My Thoughts:

I wonder when the time is that we feel pressured in life. It feels so much like someone giving you the weight of the world to take care of. No help..just you. It sometimes feels like you would rather feel the pressure of the ocean around your lungs. Rather then to feel the pressures of everyday.

Short Poem:

In Heal High

The counting I leave,

The prevail I heave,
The water heals high,

My weight of my head lies,
My hands set,
I let the water met.
May the waters reap you gone.

To Abstence of Desperation

The Aura of You

I called for you in the sphere of aroma,
The clouds came to the sparrow,
He told me that you left out the aura,
The magnified of the fingers marrow,
Twas to little you gave love,
I had to pull and shove,
Living a lie...I the part I cried day in and day out,
The hurt I praised was the pain I shout,
Leave it in the fields to ponder,
Leave it for the gray to wonder,
I smelled the fields of wet zalias,
It was strong,
I made my mother tell me to be gone of us,
We were never men to be,
You hurt the living out of me,
The sparrow lastly told,
Your far better to be frozen and bare cold,
Then be left with the likes of a being of sort,
The silence was near..nothing left to think..nothing left to resort,
I left you,
And you saw it" You knew."

Black Given

The form of anything given can be taken by any form...its a given.

The haven you took from my mind is no longer living,
It now lives upon little frailties of deformities,
Left to rot in the black sun,

I told many times over you would be better, never was I done,
The illusions played tricks,
The wall got higher as you plastered your bricks,

Killing the depth I felt imprinted,
You channeled the near and far,

Just so I can stare and leave the pale share,
And rather in the end, You sent for to be begging on your knees,
I gave in to the pushing, and the falls leaves,
I left without regret,
Without your black sunset.

My Thoughts:

It's funny how we all live sadness inside. Each and every one of us has a sadness.
We never seem to see it sometimes. I see it though. I see it in you, her, him, and even me. Especially in these days where we have lack of communication. We survive alone..alone to our own sadness we keep from ourselves.

Short Poem:

Confessions Unspoken

It sleeps in my skin,
The alone of my sin,
The truth is inside,
My loneliness I shall not confide.

Leave me here or forever hold me dear...