Friday, July 30, 2010

I am going to take my body apart with one organ at a time,
While I see faces and they have a lack of life to find,
Such begrudging innocence that embodies each soul,
My ears will be the first to take tole.

I don't want to perceive what people have to say,
The endless guiltless things that they tend to portray,
What bull they must try to aver,
I don't want to listen, I don't want to hear.

There is the cold and the dark that withholds,
People feel the pain but they listen to what their told,
Don't believe in this, and don't do that,
How long will the happiness conquer and last.

My hands and feet have had enough,
I don't want to feel or walk towards what I must,
The world is like sand paper and its to hard for my skin,
Full of evil and full of adjoining sin.

What are you and how are you different,
Your like the rest just a little bent,
Your mind is warped and you follow the others,
I don't trust you or any other.

I have no need for these eyes that see,
The destruction of the human race as they continuously bleed,
I can't seem to get the fog out of my view,
Because people won't budge or move.

I liked you and liked the one before,
I had friends and family, but what for,
The needing pain that renders at my veins,
Do I want to feel the pleasured drain.

LASTLY, the heart is the disease I want nothing more,
The pounding insanity that cradles my scorn,
The wanting of your attention and the birth spot of affection,
The death hole of fixation and feelings,
The narcissistic pain of personified dealings.

People are my enemy as well as this ungenerous world,
I will let out my pain till my heart unfurls,
Take my body and do what you like,
Before the blood fills your floor and you cry a fightless fight.

I am not what you think and I am not who I am,
I wished the world were colder and would fall to the damned.

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