Sunday, April 4, 2010

The calignous rush screams through a jar,
I let deep downs from my skin scrape off and seal the envelope,
I wrote you a long letter, but why give it to such a darkened soul.

This is a star that will never twine to the memories again,
Feeling soft nude skin, will be wounded with goodbyes,
I only wish my head will sleep well,
But the anger that slips through to dispel,
Will make me fall to my hearts kill.

I am going to rob you blind tonight,
Everything you have will be mine,
Your eyes will be covered,
Your dreams will be lost,
I will be your lover that became an enemy at cost.

I like the ocean when it's as deep as this,
Where I can taste your sour intentions,
But your face is being remarked to lessen,
This infectious thing you do,
Will die with me and you,
like the laugh that you facade,
That rages like a loonatic parade.

Desire me no more,
I will pull your pain and make it my gain,
The life you chose with me will be a act of shame,
Yellow stickers will place upon your life,
You will be a disaese that many would stir away and rather die.

Seconds shadow in the tomb of your gruesome destruction,
I will pour out your ahes, till your nothin....

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