Saturday, April 17, 2010

I look over and your not there,
This bed seems to empty now, and the stories it tells is aggravating,
I let my face loosely lay and remember all those days,
Last year we held hands and now it slowly has erased.

Whats left to lose anymore,
I have gave all the smiles that could be given to you,
On this edge I feel the smoke wrap my heart,
Will you come back and relieve what we part.

I was sick a week ago and it was a relief,
The struggle to cough and the strain to move,
Made me think more on the illness rather then the pain of you.

Sunset is down and it has been down most of everyday,
Prove me god this is to be taken in vein,
Last year was my time where I felt alive,
But why bury me under, and take me back to die.

Echo the simple steps that we took together,
How it was so easy to be with you then another,
Was this the answer to the break down we had,
If we bandaged the sorrow, do you think it would last.

This life will either take me down with the problems it gives,
Or the memories of you will painfully outlive.

Goodnight babe, as he lastly gives his kiss.
Goodnight hun, as I cry in this empty bed with the memory of his lips.

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