Monday, May 31, 2010


Why should this day be lamentable with slow motion clocks,
Scenery ephemeral with naught to be sought,
I tasted your fire and as it cauterized my tissues,
Deep dark pain in a place to feel misused.

With you I am engulfed in ashes and dust,
I have to give it my all or surely I will combust,
I want no more surprises or guilty phases,
Seeing death through all your faces.

Violent lust, tears my pages that singe at my motive,
Walking apart from the torn muscles, you lack to notice,
Smooth sounds scream their way through,
Boards are black inside a empty sun endued.

You grab my hand and swing it near,
I feel pressure of the beguiled kiss you made dear,
And falling back you let me drift close,
On fields of dreams you arose.

I was alone and broke down a lot,
Felt my hands cry and my heart grow a clot,
Till the pain subsided and you told me you were it,
The person to be here when depression hit.

I hope we never get separated and keep running on,
Keeping together through the darkest nights and brightest dawns.

The clocks turned back and I had one more chance,
To be inside your heart and for us to lock hands.

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